Database Day 2015
Gates Commons, CSE 691, Paul G. Allen Center,
Computer Science and Engineering Department,
University of Washington, Seattle.
Tuesday, December 1st, 9:00am - 6:30pm.
9:00am: Introduction and logistics
Host: Magda
9:10pm: Foundations
Host: Dan
- Shumo: From Theory to Practice: Efficient Join Query Evaluation in a Parallel Database System (paper)
- Laurel: A Probabilistic Approach to Big Data Summarization (slides)
10:10am: Break
10:25am: Systems
Host: Magda (slides)
- Jingjing: Asynchronous and Fault-Tolerant Recursive Datalog Evaluation in Shared-Nothing Engines (paper) (slides)
- Brandon: PipeGen: Automatic Generation of Data Pipes for Hybrid Analytics
- Jennifer: A Dynamic Scaling Engine for Data Analytics with Performance Guarantees [(paper)] (
- Bailu: Improving OCC Performance Through Transaction Batching
11:45am: Lunch
1:10am: PLDB
Host: Alvin (slides)
- Cong: Leveraging Lock Contention to Improve Transaction Application Performance (paper to appear) (slides)
- Maaz: Translating Sequential Java Programs to MapReduce Using Verified Lifting
2:00pm: Break
2:15pm: User-facing systems
Host: Brandon Myers (slides)
3:30pm: Break
3:50pm: Work in progress
Host: Alvin
- Jiannan: SampleClean: Data Cleaning With Algorithms, Machines, and People (website)
- Dylan: LARA: A Language of Linear and Relational Algebra for Polystores (slides)
- Helga & Parmita: Reverse Engineering Query Execution Engine Design Decisions (slides)
- Shumo: Formal Verification Framework for Query Optimization
- Jingjing: Elastic Memory In the Cloud (slides)
- Dominik: Scalable Visualization (paper)
4:20pm: Feedback
5:20pm - 6:30pm: Reception