Kyle Deeds and Timo Camillo Merkle received the Best Paper award at ICDT 2025 for their paper Worst-Case Optimal Joins Meet Partition Constraints!
‘Mind the Data Gap: Bridging Large Language Models (LLMs) to Enterprise Data Integration’ by Moe Kayali (University of Washington), Fabian Wenz (TUM), Nesime Tatbul (Intel Labs and MIT), Cagatay Demiralp (MIT CSAIL) has been accepted at CIDR 2025.
Four papers from UWDB got accepted into SIGMOD 2025!
Two papers from UWDB got accepted in ICDT 2025!
Magda just received the Test-of-Time award at CIDR for her wonderful work on Borealis data stream processing system.
‘Demonstration of MaskSearch: Efficiently Querying Image Masks for Machine Learning Workflows’ by Lindsey Linxi Wei, Chung Yik Edward Yeung, Hongjian Yu, Jingchuan Zhou, Dong He, Magdalena Balazinska has been accepted at VLDB 2024.
Remy Wang received a runner up award for the 2024 Jim Gray SIGMOD Dissertation Award. Congratulations Remy!
Remy Wang published a research highlight paper called ‘From Binary Join to Free Join’ in SIGMOD Record. There is a nice technical perspective by Thomas Neumann.
Nicole Sullivan received a fellowship from the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP).
‘Optimizing Dataflow Systems for Scalable Interactive Visualization’ by Junran Yang, Hyekang Kevin Joo, Sai Yerramreddy, Dominik Moritz, and Leilani Battle to appear at SIGMOD 2024.
‘VOCALExplore: Pay-as-You-Go Video Data Exploration and Model Building’ by Maureen Daum, Enhao Zhang, Dong He, Stephen Mussmann, Brandon Haynes, Ranjay Krishna, and Magdalena Balazinska to appear at VLDB 2024.
‘EQUI-VOCAL: Synthesizing Queries for Compositional Video Events from Limited User Interactions’ by Enhao Zhang, Maureen Daum, Dong He, Brandon Haynes, Ranjay Krishna, and Magdalena Balazinska has been accepted at VLDB 2023.
‘Free Join: Unifying Worst-Case Optimal and Traditional Joins’ by Remy Wang, Max Willsey, and Dan Suciu to appear at SIGMOD 2023.
‘Degree Sequence Bounds for Cardinality Estimation’ by Kyle Deeds, Dan Suciu, Magda Balazinska, and Walter Cai to appear at ICDT 2023; ‘SafeBound: A Practical System for Generating Cardinality Bounds’ by Kyle Deeds, Dan Suciu, and Magda Balazinska to appear at SIGMOD 2023.
Two additional papers by the group to appear at VLDB 2023: ‘Quasi-stable Coloring for Graph Compression’ by Moe Kayali and Dan Suciu; ‘Computing Rule-Based Explanations by Leveraging Counterfactuals’ by Zixuan Geng, Maximilian Schleich, Dan Suciu.
‘Optimizing Tensor Programs on Flexible Storage’ by Maximilian Schleich, Amir Shaikhha, and Dan Suciu to appear at SIGMOD 2023.
‘Understanding Programmatic Weak Supervision via Source-aware Influence Function’ has been accepted at NeurIPS 2022. Congrats Jieyu Zhang, Cheng-Yu Hsieh, and Alex Ratner!
‘Share the Tensor Tea: How Databases can Leverage the Machine Learning Ecosystem’ received the VLDB 2022 Best Demo Award. Congrats to the authors: Yuki Asada*, Victor Fu*, Apurva Gandhi*, Advitya Gemawat*, Lihao Zhang*, Dong He, Vivek Gupta, Ehi Nosakhare, Dalitso Banda, Rathijit Sen, and Matteo Interlandi!
‘Nemo: Guiding and Contextualizing Weak Supervision for Interactive Data Programming’ has been accepted at VLDB 2023. Congrats Cheng-Yu Hsieh, Jieyu Zhang, and Alex Ratner!
‘Query Processing on Tensor Computation Runtimes’ has been accepted at VLDB 2022. Congrats to the authors: Dong He, Supun Nakandala, Dalitso Banda, Rathijit Sen, Karla Saur, Kwanghyun Park, Carlo Curino, Jesús Camacho-Rodríguez, Konstantinos Karanasos, and Matteo Interlandi!
Dan Suciu receives the 2022 SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award for lasting contributions to the foundations of novel data management trends.
Leilani Battle is awarded the 2022 IEEE TCDE Rising Star Award for contributions to interactive data-intensive systems for exploratory data analysis.
‘Convergence of Datalog over (Pre-) Semirings’ received a PODS 2022 best paper award. Congrats to the authors: Mahmoud Abo Khamis, Hung Q. Ngo, Reinhard Pichler, Dan Suciu, and Remy Wang!
‘Creating Training Sets via Weak Indirect Supervision’ has been accepted at ICLR 2022. Congrats Jieyu Zhang and Alex Ratner!
‘VOCAL: Video Organization and Interactive Compositional AnaLytics (Vision Paper)’ has been accepted at CIDR 2022. Congrats Maureen Daum*, Enhao Zhang*, Dong He, Magdalena Balazinska, Brandon Haynes, Ranjay Krishna, Apryle Craig, Aaron Wirsing! *Both authors contributed equally to the paper.
‘WRENCH: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Weak Supervision’ has been accepted at NeurIPS 2021 Dataset & Benchmark Track. Congrats Jieyu Zhang and Alex Ratner!
‘DeepEverest: Accelerating Declarative Top-K Queries for Deep Neural Network Interpretation’ has been accepted at VLDB 2022. Congrats Dong He, Maureen Daum, Walter Cai, Magdalena Balazinska!
‘VSS: A Storage System for Video Analytics’ has been accepted to SIGMOD 2021. Congrats Brandon Haynes, Maureen Daum, Dong He, Amrita Mazumdar, Magdalena Balazinska, Alvin Cheung, Luis Ceze!
‘GeCo: Quality Counterfactual Explanations in Real Time’ has been accepted at VLDB 2021. Congrats Maximilian Schleich, Zixuan Geng, Yihong Zhang, and Dan Suciu!
‘TASM: A Tile-Based Storage Manager for Video Analytics’ has been accepted to ICDE 2021. Congrats Maureen Daum, Brandon Haynes, Dong He, Amrita Mazumdar, Magdalena Balazinska!
On the Tractability of SHAP explanations has been accepted to AAAI 2021, winning a Distinguished Paper award! Congrats to the authors: Guy Van den Broeck (UCLA), Anton Lykov, Maximilian Schleich, and Dan Suciu.
‘Visual Road: A Video Data Management Benchmark’ has been accepted at SIGMOD 2019. Congrats Brandon Haynes, Amrita Mazumdar, Magdalena Balazinska, Luis Ceze, Alvin Cheung!
‘LightDB: A DBMS for Virtual Reality’ has been accepted at VLDB 2018. Congrats Brandon Haynes, Amrita Mazumdar, Armin Alaghi, Magdalena Balazinska, Luis Ceze, Alvin Cheung!
Two of Jennifer Ortiz’s papers got accepted!
Laurel Orr received a honorable mention for the NCWIT Collegiate Award. Congrats Laurel!
Four papers from UWDB got accepted into SIGMOD 2018!
Our automated solver for SQL, Cosette, has been released!
Congratulations to all of our SIGMOD winners!
Watch Dylan Hutchison’s recorded talk from the SIGMOD BeyondMR workshop on LaraDB: A Minimalist Kernel for Linear and Relational Algbera
Several SIGMOD 2017 Demonstation Awards! Shumo Chu, Daniel Li, and Chenglong Wang won the Best Demonstration Award for Demonstration of the Cosette Automated SQL Prover; Maaz Ahmad earned a Demonstration Award Honorable Mention for Optimizing Data-Intensive Applications Automatically By Leveraging Parallel Data Processing Frameworks; Brandon Haynes and Artem Minyaylov earned a Demonstration Award Honorable Mention for VisualCloud Demonstration: A DBMS for Virtual Reality.
Jennifer Ortiz won second place at the SIGMOD Student Reseach Competition.
Parmita Mehta, Tomer Kaftan, and many co-authors had their paper Comparative Evaluation of Big-Data Systems on Scientific Image Analytics Workloads accepted into VLDB.
Jingjing Wang’s paper on Elastic Memory Management for Cloud Data Analytics is accepted to USENIX 2017
Alvin Cheung is among six UW CSE faculty who won NSF CAREER awards
Laurel Orr’s paper on Probabilistic Database Summarization for Interactive Data Exploration is accepted to VLDB 2017
Magdalena Balazinska received the ACM SIGMOD Test of Time Award for the paper Fault-Tolerance in the Borealis Distributed Stream Processing System
Shrainik Jain’s paper SQLShare: Results from a Multi-Year SQL-as-a-Service Experiment has been awarded as one of the most reproducible across several criteria from SIGMOD 2016