Database Day 2016
Gates Commons, CSE 691, Paul G. Allen Center,
Computer Science and Engineering Department,
University of Washington, Seattle.
Friday, December 2nd, 8:30am - 6:00pm.
8:30am-9am: Coffee and Tea
9:am-10:40am: Session 1: Data management for virtual reality, scientific images, video data, and data streams
- Talk 1: “Visual Cloud: A Database System for Virtual Reality Applications”. Brandon Haynes (UW) Slides
- Talk 2: “Comparative Evaluation of Big-Data Systems on Scientific Image Analytics Workloads”. Parmita Mehta (UW) Slides
- Talk 3: “Self Healing in Streaming”. Karthik Ramasamy (Twitter) Slides
- Discussion
10:40am-11:10am: Break
11:10am-12:30pm: Session 2: Programming languages techniques in data management
- Talk 1: “Cosette: An Automated SQL Prover”. Shumo Chu (UW) Slides
- Talk 2: “Synthesizing Highly Expressive SQL Queries from Input-Output Examples”. Chenglong Wang (UW) slides
- Discussion
12:30pm-1:30pm: Lunch
- Lunch talk (12:50pm-1:10pm): “Huawei Overview” Eric Li (Huawei) Slides
1:30pm-3:10pm: Session 3: Causality/explanations in database systems
3:10pm-3:40pm: Break
3:40pm-5pm: Session 4: Data management services for collaborative analytics environments
- Talk 1: “New Services for Loosely Coupled Data Environments”. Shrainik Jain (UW). Slides
- Talk 2: “Deep Curation: Unsupervised Curation of Biological Repositories”. Maxim Grechkin (UW) Slides
- Discussion
5pm-6pm: Reception