PVLDB Vol 13 Co-Editor in Chief (VLDB’20 PC co-chair).
SoCC 2019 General Chair.
CIDR 2017 and 2019 PC co-chair.
SIGMOD 2017 Vice PC co-chair.
SIGMOD 2016 Area chair.
SoCC 2015 PC co-chair.
PVLDB 2015 Associate Editor.
SSDBM 2013 PC chair.
SIGMOD 2012 demonstration chair.
Honorary treasurer for VLDB 2011.
Co-organizer of the UW/MSR Summer Institute on Cloud Computing (August 2010).
Co-organizer of XLDB4, the 4th Extremely Large Databases Conference and affiliated workshop (October 2010).
Founder and co-chair of the Int. Workshop on RFID Data Management – RFDM’08 (with ICDE 2008).
General co-chair of the 5th Int. Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks – DMSN’08 (with VLDB 2008).
Program co-chair of the 4th Int. Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks – DMSN’07 (with VLDB 2007).
Program committee area chair: ICDE 2011 and ICDE 2013
Steering committee of the 6th Int. Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks – DMSN’09 (with VLDB 2009).
Advisory board member for the SIGMOD 2010 Programming Contest.
Frequent program committee member at SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE, CIDR, and various workshops.
NSF CISE Advisory Committee (June 2017 - June 2020)
ACM SIGMOD Secretary/Treasurer (July 2013 - June 2017)
NSF Panelist.
Associate Editor for the Systems and Prototypes Column, SIGMOD Record (June 2007 - August 2012).
Co-chair of the ACM SIGMOD New Researcher Symposium (at SIGMOD 2007).
Co-chair of the ACM SIGMOD Life After Graduation Symposium (at SIGMOD 2006).
Co-founder of the Northwest Database Society (NWDS). January 2006.